Having the right induction process will not only ensure compliance with your organisation’s obligations as an employer, but also creates a solid foundation where your business can promote its workplace culture and values, increase employee retention and foster open communication among new and existing staff. The purpose of induction is to help your new employee understand the organisation, their job requirements, responsibilities and work standards expected. It is important to ensure that all relevant documents are provided to the employee. A convenient way to do this is in the form of an ‘induction pack’, which can be given to the employee on the first day. Their manager (or HR manager) should take the opportunity to run through policies and procedures, important to their job (e.g. health and safety, regulations, work processes, etc.). A tour of the workplace is an ideal opportunity for the employee to meet their new colleagues and become familiar with the location of fire exits, kitchen and first-aid facilities and amenities. The employee should be introduced to managers and other appropriate people during their first few days in the job. At the end of their first week, they should be invited to provide feedback on their induction experience. After a great induction, the employee and their manager should have regular meetings to discuss progress. It’s important that that employee completes an Induction Training and Development Plan with their manager which can be used to help monitor performance from the outset. To help you get the most out of your induction program, we’ve prepared some useful resources as part of our induction package including:
1. Policies, procedures & guidelines
2. Induction training package
3. Checklist
4. Feedback
Should you require further advice or assistance with implementing any of the products purchased from this site, please speak with your service provider. Alternatively, you can contact us by completing the support request and we can connect you with our network of subject matter experts.