We respect your privacy!
When you enter information into our site (contact us, register, or purchase a product), the information is stored on our host’s secure servers. We receive email notification about your order/request, but your payment (credit card) information is NEVER transmitted via an insecure method, or via email.
We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to outside parties your personal information, unless required by law.
Our site uses cookies to enhance your experience with us – saves you from having to enter your information on our site twice. For further information you can view our Cookies policy here.
Your information is always held in a secure environment. When logged in, or ‘checking out’, you can see the small padlock icon in many browsers that indicates you are in a secure environment. You can double click this icon to see our SSL Certificate.
You can view our privacy policy here.
If you have any questions, comments, and concerns about privacy then please don’t hesitate to contact us.