Managing My Suppliers Package Contents
Quotes and Supplier Selection
1. Contract Tenders and Quotation Policy & Procedure (SMB)
2. Supplier Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (SMB)
3. Supplier Pre-Qualification Checklist (SMB)
4. Supplier Selection Tips (SMB)
Supplier onboarding
5. Supplier Engagement Plan (SMB)
6. Preferred Suppliers Register (SMB)
7. Project Management Guide (SMB)
Managing supplier risk and compliance
8. Contract Risk Management Questionnaire (SMB)
Supplier onboarding
9. Contractors and Suppliers Policy (SMB)
10. Procurement Guidelines (SMB)
11. Purchasing Procedure (SMB)
12. Purchasing Policy and Procedure (SMB)
13. Purchasing Practices Guidelines (SMB)
14. Supplier Selection Guidelines (SMB)
15. Tendering Procedures (SMB)
16. Procurement Governance Policy (SMB)
Contract management and supplier performance
17. Contractor Management Procedure (SMB)
18. Supplier Services Contract Checklist (SMB)
Supplier Relationship Management
19. Supplier Claim Form (SMB)
20. Supplier Self Assessment Questionnaire (SMB)
Supplier Operational Management
21. Warehouse Management Guidelines (SMB)
22. Procurement of Goods and Services Process Checklist (SMB)